Just start elasticity skincare with Supreme Booster at Faceline clinic!

Your beauty comes from your confidence, not from your appearance but if you are getting older, you bound to lose your confidence by growing wrinkles and diminishing elasticity. Since aging begins inside of the skin after you are in your 20's, you have to take care of it in advance. Also, environmentally damaged ozone layer which can’t filter ultraviolet rays, can adversely affect your skin resulting in pigmentation and aging. Moreover, makeup starts at an early age these days so it blocks pores to speed up aging.

 To solve these problems, why don’t you get a Faceline’s elasticity skin care? we call it Supreme Booster. Who is suitable for this method? 

Like as the dry ground cracks, the human skin cracks as well. The longer the period, the less elasticity, the more the skin is affected by gravity.

If you'd like to get your young skin back, just visit Faceline clinic and see how Supreme Booster works!!!

What is Supreme Booster?
Skin boosters with the best rates of hyaluronic acid and 53 compounds to prevent aging of the skin optimize the function of fibrin cells to improve the skin's vitality and health.

The fibroids synthesize collagen, elastin, and glycosamino glycan that retain the elasticity of the dermis. 

Skin change by treatment cycle
primary - 3 to 5 days after the treatment, the fluid balance is adjusted and the skin is smoother than before.

Secondary - Increased elasticity of skin improves wrinkles and gradually brightens skin tone.

Tertiary- As your skin regenerates, you may experience dramatic skin improvement.
4th and 5th - 3rd procedures are recommended to maintain improved skin. (approximately 6 months of duration)

* Treatment and effectiveness may vary from individual to individual.
Before : The part that looks yellow is collagen.
After: You can see that collagen is increased.

The amount of collagen in the dermis has increased the thickness and density of the dermis so the skin has recovered to its original condition, which is more dense and elastic.


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