What is "BAGLE" Breast Surgery?
What is "BAGLE" Breast Surgery? BAGLE girl is a combination of baby-faced and glamorous body and it is possible at Faceline and here's how: 1. REAL VOLUME -safe implant proved from KFDA and FDA -implant insertion with minimal incision through endoscope -complete the surgery with breast specialist's know-how and delicate beauty sense 2. MINIMAL PAIN -minimal incision of using ultrasonic vibration to minimize the tissue damage -minimal bleeding by incision and hemostasis at the same time! -minimal incision for minimal pain 3. QUICK RECOVERY -1:1 customized care system from consultation to postoperative care -ultrasonic diagnosis and high frequency treatment for natural breast shape and to prevent capsular contracture 4. SAFETY FIRST -a stationed attending anesthesiologist of a college graduate -safety care from same attending anesthesiologist for 11 years -customized anesthetic use...