Trying to get rid of sleepy looking eyes
There are different methods of surgery method for eyes. But, it's important to know the right method for you and your current eyes condition for the natural looking result. There are aesthetic part of eyes, but there are also surgery for functionality purpose. For example, there's a popular eye surgery for the middle-aged patients called blepharoplasty surgery. It improves on droopy eyelids that are blocking the eye sight due to aging. Similar symptom is called ptosis correction, which is caused of weak upper eyelids. Ptosis correction is suitable for patients who have 1/3 of pupils are covered by eyelids and cause you make look sleepy and tired. Also, these patients use brow muscles to open eyes and that also causes headache and eyes get tired. It's a surgical method of pulling eye muscle by making tiny halls on the eyelids. It works on the strength of opening eyes, has effect on improving a sleepy-looking image. This surgery is usually performed with double ey...