Giving plastic surgery the bad rep of ‘factory face’
You’ve likely came across ‘Portrait of a Gangnam beauty’ or ‘Gangnam beauty’ cartoons on the Internet at some point in your life. They are satires on the phenomena of faces losing their individual uniqueness with plastic surgery, appearing awkwardly monotonous and looking like they’ve had work done. From the viewpoint of a plastic surgeon, it is a portrait that has instilled in me a sense of self-accountability. [Image source: Google] Harmony and balance are the basic fundamentals of beauty. A face is not perceived beautiful if it lacks this harmony and balance. Ideal plastic surgery accurately pinpoints areas lacking harmony and balance, and makes these aspects harmonious and well-balanced. It is in the same context as the ‘natural beauty’ that I emphasized in a previous blog that awkward faces that appear to have had work done are by no means what you would consider beautiful. There are several reasons for this phenomena of faces all appearing similar after plastic surgery...