
Showing posts from October 12, 2018

Under eye bags for fat re-positioning

Under eye bags for fat re-positioning Did your friends ever tell you look sick or tired today even though you feel perfectly fine?  Then maybe the answer is because of your under eye bags, commonly called dark circles.  If you have notably dark eye bags, might look older than your actual age.  Dark circles are a symptom that fat gathers under your eyes' fascia and weak skin elasticity. The cause may be inherited or aging. When you get tired, the dark circles may appear and disappear, but as we get older, they become our under eye bags.  There are several reasons why to dark circles:  1. Irregular lifestyle 2. Excessive stress 3. Immoderate diet  If your dark circles can be treated within medical help, you might want to consider it! One of the medical treatment options are under eye fat re-positioning.  Under eye fat re-positioning is suitable for patients who have thick fat under eyes but also have hollowness....