
Showing posts from February 12, 2020

How to prevent sagging cheeks after the cheekbone reduction?

How to prevent sagging cheeks after the cheekbone reduction?  Various methods of cheekbone reduction Hi, This is Faceline ps clinic. There is a question my patients ask when they visit us for the cheekbone reduction.  Many people ask how to minimize and prevent the sagging of the skin. Theoretically and empirically, a way to minimize sagging cheeks is depends on surgical methods.  Although it is important to select a surgical method that fits the patient's condition, the degree of sagging may vary depending on the surgical method. Let me explain some of the most representative surgical methods known. For convenience, I will call the 45-degree cheeks and side cheeks as a “body” and “arch”, respectively. 1. L-shaped osteotomy  L-shaped osteotomy is literally an L-shaped incision. A surgical method is cutting the front 45 cheekbones into an L shape and pushed them backwards.  Although it is similar to I-shaped osteotomy, the adv...