Faceline's Eye revision
Faceline's Eye revision Hello, This is Faceline clinic Korea The image may vary depending on the human eye. The eye shape is important because you can judge a person's image with your eyes. If you've had double eyelid surgery once and you're not satisfied with the line, and you're thinking about the revision, you'll find a hospital famous for double eyelid revision. Before you decide on a hospital for double eyelid, I have prepared some considerations. Four symptoms that you're concerned about revision 1.The double eyelid line is too thin (possibly too low to hold the line) Leave the existing line and resize the line above the line to adjust the double eyelid size. 2.The double eyelid line is weak or loose (often the fixing point is weak or the surrounding connective tissue is not removed) Depending on the cause of the release, it is firmly fixed so that the eyelid surgery is not performed again or the eyes are not fixed again. 3.The double eyelid lin...