Do I need fat grafting surgery?
When we wake up everyday in the morning, before even washing the face we look in the mirror and suddenly notice few changes. "What's wrong with my dull skin tone, droopy eyelids, and wrinkles these days..? do I need to do something? I look older than last month." If you're loosing facial fat and revealing bone structures in the face, then it may be the signs of aging. Unlike younger stage in life, aging seems obvious in the face. Then, is there any solution for this matter? well, you might want to consider fat grafting. Does Faceline offer fat grafting? Yes! At Faceline, we offer something called 'cell power fat grafting'. Faceline's cell power fat grafting surgically injects fat cells in the flat and hallow facial area to give more volume and to increase skin's elasticity at the same time. By adding facial volume, it helps you becoming look younger. Who needs fat grafting? If fat grafting is performed right amount...