Bubble cheeks, Bubble jaws
Have you heard of crunchy balloon bread? It’s quite large in size but empty inside and the bread itself is really thin. If you take a big bite without knowing what it is initially, you’re left feeling baffled just getting the thinnest bits of bread remnants in your mouth and not the mouthful of bread you expected. Those who inquire about surgery involving their face shape are highly interested as to the size of their face. Smaller faces are generally preferred. One of the biggest reasons for wanting surgery is to reduce the size of one's face. If a face is large, are the facial bones thicker? Is the face size proportional to the thickness of facial bones? Based on my countless experience, I can say there is slight correlation. The size and thickness aren’t completely proportional but those with large facial bones tend to have slightly thicker bones in many cases. Even so, facial bones aren’t as thick as the size. Basically, there is some correlation in the size and thickness...