Cell Power Fat Transplanting to achieve your smooth, three-dimensional face!
Cell Power Fat injection This is Faceline clinic Korea. We've been doing surgeries for eyes and nose the most, but there's a growing number of calls to achieve young looking, such as fat grafting. Fat grafting has been increasing in recent years, as it is possible to create a three-dimensional and young looking face by filling the flat or sunken area. Because it is important to inject detailed and appropriate amounts, such as eye and nose surgeries, it is important to establish a correct direction for improvement and surgical planning through a detailed analysis of individuals before the surgery. Faceline Clinic's cell power fat graft is performed while collecting magnetic cells and injecting fat cells that enhance the cell power through the 5 stages of the procedure for excellent survival rate and saving the three-dimensional sensation and volume of the face. In addition, the growth of collagen and elastic cells in the skin...