The rich get richer, the poor get poorer
The facial contouring and double jaw surgeries I specialize in involve handling the frame inside the face. The basic framework of the face is shaped to change the shape of the face on the exterior. For the facial bone surgery I perform to manifest on the outside, the soft tissue covering the frame needs to reflect the change in facial bones. Accordingly, the better extent to which soft tissue reflects, the better the results of surgery. The main constituents of soft tissue consist of the outer skin, subcutaneous fat, and muscles. As we generally see the skin looking from the exterior, I will refer to soft tissue as skin from hereon. The results of facial bone surgery reflect well if skin meets two conditions. First, it must be thin . More accurately, thin subcutaneous fat. If this is thick, even if bone surgery changes the frame, less degree of change is reflected on the outside. If I were to compare this with a sculpture, it would be as though a thick winter blanket ...