
Showing posts from December 16, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of soluble pins in a double jaw and facial contouring surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages of soluble pins in a double jaw and facial contouring surgery. Hi, This is Faceline PS clinic. For those of you who are considering a double jaw and facial contouring,  one of the concerns is about the use of pins during surgery. In general, pins do not go in for simple surgeries. On the other hand, the jaw-moving surgery, such as a double jaw surgery, an operation that works through a cheekbone, or a T-bone or a jaw-end operation, all of which are fixed by moving the jaw end together, pin is vital. The role of the plate is to help moved bones bond well in new positions. So the typical material for fixed pins is titanium, which is commonly used in dentistry, such as implants, which are held in pin and screw shapes. In addition, we also use the wire as a pin. The purpose of this fixed pin is to keep the bone in motion until it sticks in place. If the bone is still there, it starts to stick for about two weeks, and then it's stuck for six months...