Correction of the hump nose will change your image!
As the nose is in the middle of the face, it has a lot of effect on your image depending on its shape. Among other things, hump nose is one of the things that make you look stubborn. It can be inferred from the long and sharp portrayal of the nose when trying to express a grim and angry image, such as a villain or a witch among cartoon characters. A hump nose is a shape in which the middle part of the nose is protruded and the tip of the nose falls off. In short, it's like a witch’s nose. You may think you can trim the bones of your nose that are simply protruding, but you can't get the results you want by simply trimming the bones. If the degree of a hump nose is not severe, then the proper trimming or cutting of the protruding noses and cartilage is also effective. However, if the nose between eyes is relatively low, you need an additional nose tip correction and an operation to raise the nose between eyes to complete the natural nose line. If th...