
Showing posts from January 23, 2024

Dual Benefits with Forehead Reduction and Forehead Augmentation

The forehead occupies a significant area of the face, and when it is broader than average, it can create an imbalance and make the face appear larger than its actual size. Aging can lead to forehead widening due to hair loss, giving the impression of aging. Moreover, individuals with a broad forehead face restrictions in various hairstyles. As people age, eyebrows may sag, making an already wide forehead appear even broader. A common surgical solution for sagging eyebrows is Endoscopic Forehead Augmentation. Although a more extensive incision using the scalp lifting method yields superior results, many opt for smaller incisions with endoscopic procedures due to concerns about visible scars on the scalp. For those considering both forehead reduction and forehead augmentation, an effective approach involves performing forehead augmentation using the incision made during forehead reduction. This method provides excellent results in lifting both the eyebrows and forehead without additional...