2015, the 73rd Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fall Conference

2015, the 73rd Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fall Conference

Dr. Jinsoo Lee, who was invited tothe 73th 'Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery' 
at the Duke Hotel in Yangjae-dong, on November 15, 2015, presented the theme of 'Facial contouring to enhance the cosmetic effect of two jaw surgery' as a topic.

Dr. Jinsoo Lee mentioned, "In general, when you perform two jaw surgery that moves the mandible backwards, the length of the face becomes basically short. 
The width and shape of the jaw should be narrowed to make a harmonious shape of the jaw. 
To do this,  a combination of facial contouring such as chin reduction and long curved chin reduction is necessary. 
 When the volume of the lower face is reduced by two jaw surgery,  the part where the cheekbone can be seen as a relatively protruding part can be improved to have a slimmer and 
more voluminous face by decreasing the width to the middle part face by the cheekbone reduction surgery.

At this time, when the cheekbone moves inward and then moves upward, 
it helps to give a more natural three-dimensional feeling to the face. 
In addition, two jaw surgery and a T-osteotomy (jaw surgery) 
that narrows the width of the jaw can be performed to improve the face of the V-line and complete the face with a golden ratio."

In order to improve the aesthetic improvement in two jaw surgery, 
it was noted that the importance of adjusting the whole face harmony and
 the know-how of proper combination of two jaw surgery and facial contour surgery were explained with the actual cases.

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