Precautions before local anesthesia

There are two different types of anesthesia used in the field of plastic surgery: General anesthesia is used for two jaw, facial contouring and breast augmentation surgery. While eyes and nose surgery is with local anesthesia.

Local anesthesia is a way of relieving patients from pain and fear. Unlike general anesthesia, it's easily to be waken by shaking the patient's body or talking to the patient. Patients can breath by their own, while breathalyzer is needed for a general anesthesia.

For the safe use of local anesthesia, patient's age, current health status, history of drugs, and any allergy should be considered before the injection. Also, avoid from any type of anesthesia if you currently have a cold or any sickness.

Drinking any type of liquid or any food consumption is strictly prohibited at least 3 hours before the local anesthesia. (including cigarettes, gum, candy) After the surgery, it's better to start consuming food again after completely waking up from the anesthesia and dizziness goes away.

Patients may experience dizziness, headache, temporary memory disorder, vomit, or spasm. But these are temporary issue and will be go away within few hours. The most important thing to consider is have a designated driver or take a public transportation.
Driving to the clinic and back home by themselves isn't allowed.


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