What is Under eye fat Re-positioning?

Dark circles that look black under the eyes are easy to give a tired or sick image, and are aesthetically bad, so many people have a complex in the dark circles.

To cover the dark circles, make-up around the eyes is not helpful at all, so if the dark circles are severe, it is recommended that you figure out the cause and use procedures or surgery to solve the underlying problem, such as rearranging the fat under the eyes.

Why do you have dark circles?

When fat builds up in the pouch-like fascia under the eye, the membrane weakens and the elasticity of the skin decreases, which is caused by gravity. Dark circles in the 10's and 20's are often caused by genetic or inherent weakness in the membranes surrounding the eyes and the fat of the eyes, and if it occurs after the 30's, aging is likely to be the cause.

Sometimes, when you feel tired, it will become darker but when you feel better it will be better as well. In this process, your skin often loses elasticity and becomes stiffened to the fat under your eyes.

Under eyes fat relocation is a form of plastic surgery that changes the impression to look lively by removing the tired, weak-looking dark circles according to the cause.

If the dark circle is a concern, if the under-eye dark circle cannot be covered by makeup, if the under-eye area is protruding widely, if the face looks old and shaded, laser surgery is often used to make dark circles difficult. The procedure lasts only 30 minutes or so, and the procedure is performed with a minimum incision using high frequency microchips, so no extra sutures are required. Also, the incision is made with a conjunctiva, so there is no visible incision.

I'm surprised the dark circles I knew while I was getting tired could be part of aging.

It would be so upsetting to be seen as an old woman because of the dark circles!
The dark circles are simple to improve, so if symptoms are severe and complex, it may be a good idea to repair them through the procedure.

Even though treatment is simple, you better make a decision with a plastic surgeon who is rich in experience and know-how, you will get more satisfactory results.


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