How long will Botox last?

Botox is a typical petite plastic surgery which has undergone a lot even in 20’s. This is because the procedure takes less than 10 minutes and can be performed without sleep anesthesia, so the complex can be improved quickly.

Botox also improves wrinkles by paralyzing muscles, but it also improves facial lines such as the square jaw caused by muscles, so if the cause of facial shape is not bone, it can be an effective method. 
Because people consider about it in their 20's to middle-age,
one of the questions that many people are asking about Botox is how long it lasts and how long it works. As you know, Botox is not a permanent treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to perform routine procedures at intervals, and of course, if multiple procedures are performed, it may be possible to increase the intervals slightly.

So today I'm going to tell you about how long Botox will last. 
Prior to this, not only Botox but also all surgeries and procedures are individualized.

Sometimes, some patients come to get Botox because they want to stay effective for a long time. Botox is most important to ensure that the correct amount is applied to the level of development of the individual's muscles and necessary areas. Even the simplest procedure can cause problems such as inflammation or swelling.

At Faceline Plastic Surgery, surgeon accurately identifies your face and performs procedures based on three principles: legally, appropriately, and timely. Botox is implemented in so many hospitals and clinics, so the cost varies greatly. 
It is safer to receive treatment from experienced specialists based on accurate counseling than to choose one based on an unconditional cheap cost.

And while Botox may be a mild procedure, you may not be paying attention to the precautions, it is also important that you keep the precautions carefully after the procedure for the effects of Botox. In the case of chin Botox, the strength of masticatory muscles may be reduced immediately after the procedure. It is recommended to avoid hard or tough food and in some cases may cause bruises, temporary swelling or pain in the treatment area. It is recommended not to rub or touch the treatment area seriously, and avoid alcohol or tobacco for about a week.

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