No. 3 Cosmetic essay by Dr. Lee Jin soo- The principle of Beauty scarcity

Is there a level of beauty that requires plastic surgery?
There are certain levels of plastic surgery like the cut line of the test. If it doesn't work out, shouldn't it be done?
What do you think?
I don't think there are set standards for beauty that require surgery. I think plastic surgery is not done by ugly people below certain standards, but by people who want to be prettier, regardless of the current level of beauty.

Here are some common questions:
"Is it enough that I have to do plastic surgery?"
Every time, my answer is the same.
"We don't have a fixed level of surgery. Plastic surgery is not a cancer surgery that deals with the problem of dying and living. It's a matter of your choice whether or not to have plastic surgery because it's done entirely on your own needs.

No matter how low the level of objective beauty is, you don't have to have plastic surgery if you don't complain about your appearance. On the contrary, even if the level of objective beauty is high and you are unhappy with your appearance, you can be the target of plastic surgery. Therefore, the start of plastic surgery is a complaint about your appearance or a desire to raise your level of beauty. So people should not blame people for not doing plastic surgery and for doing plastic surgery as well. It is entirely up to them to decide.

The level of beauty and the scarcity of beauty are not directly proportional. Assuming that the beauty level of the entire population is normal, the scarcity increases exponentially as the beauty level increases. It's hard to talk about math, right? Let's graph it easily.

And what you can see from this graph is that the higher the level of beauty, the higher the level of value.

Plastic surgery is very difficult for people who already have high standards of beauty. It's hard to make it prettier because it's already pretty. Plastic surgery is a high level of cosmetic surgery in a person with a high level of beauty. Doctors need a solid understanding of beauty with a lot of surgery to get good results.

It's a difficult surgery, but if you're already pretty, it means a lot to be pretty even a little bit more. As you've already seen in the graph, a slight increase in beauty levels increases the scarcity and value of beauty in geometric progression.
Plastic surgery, which is performed when the beauty level is high, should not be sensitive to the trend and should be performed based on the universal value of beauty. You need to focus on the beauty itself for good results.

Plastic surgery isn't something ugly people do, but someone who wants to be prettier.


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