No. 4 Cosmetic essay by Dr. Lee Jin soo-Looking for stairs on the face.

Humans have two eyes. If you look at things with your eyes, you can see the three-dimensional vision of objects. What we see with our eyes in real life is three-dimensional. But if you take a picture of them, or if you look at them on a regular TV or monitor, you see a two-dimensional image in a plane.

When shooting a movie, two cameras are put side by side, as you can see with your left and right eyes. If you look at this later, you will see the image taken on the left with only the left eye and the image taken on the right with the right eye only. This is a technology that uses polarized lenses. When you watch a 3D movie in a theater, you'll see glasses with polarized lenses.

A stereoscopic screen is spotlighted because it gives a more visual and realistic impression than a plane. I still remember the vividness of the ball thrown by a pitcher in a three-dimensional video I saw at a fair when I was a kid.
I think it's understandable in the same context that one of the important conditions for a beautiful face is that it has to be three-dimensional.

In fact, a lot of plastic surgery works in the direction of increasing the three-dimensional effect of the face. Especially when you put something in your face, such as rhinoplasty or fat grafting in your face, it brings you a volume. Colored makeups on your face is also designed to enhance the three-dimensional effect of your face.

Caucasian have three-dimensional faces because their nose is at the center of facial growth. They have a high nose and a relatively thin chin. On the other hand, Asians tend to have lower nose and protruded jaw due to weak growth of nose and relatively strong growth of jaw. In this case, the height difference between the nose and the chin is small, making the face flat.

Let me show you a simple but easiest way to distinguish three dimensional faces. It's looking for the stairs on the face.
If someone has stairs on one's face, one has a three-dimensional face, so it's very likely to be a beautiful face. When the nose, upper lip and lower lip are layered like stairs, we can say that the face is three-dimensional. Among them, the height difference between the upper and lower lips is the most important factor in the beautiful three-dimensional face. It is better for the lower jaw to be in the back naturally than the upper jaw.

Malocclusion, especially when the lower jaw is forward (such as a jutting chin) makes a dull or heavily concave face. If you want to correct the malocclusion from this stage, you can put the lower jaw behind through a double jaw surgery, which makes your face three-dimensional as soon as the bonds are corrected. This is the reason why the surgery to correct the jutting chin has a great aesthetic effect as well.

Voluminous face is also an important feature of the young-looking. If you take a closer look at the baby's face, you'll see that the lower jaw didn't grow much than the upper jaw, making the voluminous face.

As your face grows, your lower jaw will gradually come forward, and the making the face dull and it's a very important criterion that makes your face look old.

These days, three-dimensional faces are both beautiful and young-looking.


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