No. 5 Cosmetic essay by Dr. Lee Jin soo -The face you see every day is not your real face.

Mirror image: The image of an object reflected in the mirror. It is an inverted image of the actual shape to the left and right.
The face you see most of your daily lives is not your own. Because we usually look at our face in the mirror. The mirror doesn't show the real thing as it is, but it's actually reversing from the real thing. This is called a mirror image.

Then there's a moment when you're seeing with your real face. It's time when you look at the picture.
Have you ever seen your face look strange when you look at your pictures? The reason is that you usually look at your face in a mirror, so your face that you are familiar with is actually a mirror that has reversed your face to the left and right sides.

Theoretically, objects that are completely symmetrical to the left and right are the same as real and mirror images. The more symmetrical the face is, the similar to the face in the mirror. Conversely, the more asymmetrical the face is, the greater the difference between the actual face and the mirror face. The more asymmetry your face is, the more strange it looks in the picture. There's an easy way to find out how asymmetric your face is.
When you take a selfie with your cell phone, the face you see on the phone screen is a mirror image. Depending on your settings, you may be able to save the picture in the mirror or the screen may turn left and right and save the image of your real face. You can take these pictures in two ways and then compare them. 
No one is completely symmetrical on the left and right. Everyone has a little asymmetry. It's not a problem that there's facial asymmetry in itself, it's a problem that we think is easily recognizable, and it needs a correction.

The jaw tip is where you can feel the asymmetry easily, and if the jaw tip is twisted more than 3 mm from side to side, you can feel the asymmetry, and you think it's the asymmetry that needs correction. Because jaws contain teeth, misaligned asymmetries usually accompany malocclusion. In this case, there's also a problem with bridging function and jaw joint.

There's been asymmetry for a long time. When you look at the mask of the master of Bongsan mask, which is a cultural heritage of Korea, they have a typical facial asymmetry. You can often see facial asymmetry in foreign relics and it's remembered as something that's impressive to people.

Humans feel secure and comfortable in symmetry. There's an interpretation that says that there's a stable structure that's symmetrical from molecular structure to molecular structure, but wouldn't it be natural to just think about common sense and feel comfortable when you look at the same time?

There are two main types of surgery that fix asymmetry in facial shape.
One is a double jaw surgery and the other is a facial contouring surgery.
The asymmetry in the jaw position is corrected by a double jaw surgery  and the asymmetry in size itself is corrected by facial contouring  surgery. If the tip of your chin is tilted to one side, your lips will lean to the same side, but if you keep one side of your lips still, it's similar to laughing at someone, which can make you look worse.

Compared to this, there is not much tilt or asymmetry in the lips, but if there is a difference in size in the outline of the face, facial contouring  surgery fixes the asymmetry. This surgery involves a cheekbone reduction, jaw correction and tip of chin correction
Now, pick up your phone and take a selfie. Turn left and right. That's your real face.


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