No.16 Cosmetic essay by Dr. Lee Jin soo- A stigma of plastic surgery 'face factory'

 You've probably seen "Gangnam Beauty" on the Internet once. It's a satire about the phenomenon that plastic surgery is making you look unorthodox. It was a painting that made me feel responsible for being a plastic surgeon.

  The basic principle of beauty is harmony and balance. The reason why the face is not beautiful is because of this harmony and balance. A good plastic surgery is to find out exactly what's not in this harmony and balance in your original face and fix it in a harmonious and balanced way. In the same vein, I emphasized "natural beauty" in my previous article, and said that the obvious and awkward look was never a beautiful one.

 Like the cartoon, there are several reasons why all of them become similar faces after plastic surgery.

First of all, people are going to have to put on a lot of plastic surgery on their face.
Let's take rhinoplasty as an example. The Korean head itself is basically broad from side to side and narrow from side to side, making its face generally dull. If you raise your nose too high like a Westerner's nose, your face will get awkward. So is eye surgery. Of course, big eyes are beautiful eyes, but the size of the eyeball itself is small on the face. If you enlarge your eyelids excessively or enlarge your eyelids to make it bigger, it will make you look awkward.

 Also, because of the shape of the head itself, too much fat grafting on the face or filler becomes awkward like the cartoon above.
The next thing people do is people do this kind of excessive and awkward formulation in a number of places on their face. It's unnatural to do just one awkward spot, but if they do many of these types, it's a very awkward and spotty face. A face like this can never be more beautiful than a natural face.

 For plastic surgeons, it's much easier to do the same without a facial analysis. The stigma of cosmetic surgery called "face factory" is also responsible for the uniform surgery carried out without a comprehensive analysis of the face, despite the fact that such a "Gangnam Beauty" cartoon was introduced.
Good plastic surgery should be done in a way that will help each individual's. Each individual's face should be operated in a way that highlights the advantages and compensates for its weaknesses. Plastic surgery should always be performed to create a 'natural beauty,' considering the harmony and balance of the whole face.
He said that a uniform surgery is convenient and easy. Conversely, it's difficult to identify each individual's characteristics and plan accordingly to operate properly, and it's a process that takes a lot more. But it's not a monolithic factory-type surgeries, it's a process that you can never give up on, even if it's time-consuming and laborious for "natural beauty."


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