Down aging Generation (2)-What is recommended plastic surgery for middle ages?

Downaging generation (2)-What is plastic surgery during middle age?

Hello, This is Faceline clinic.
These days, the age of childbirth is increasing due to late marriage. When a child reaches the age of elementary school, parents are already in their 40's or almost 40.
As a result, they are being more interested in managing the appearance.
Especially when there is a parent group, she might be stressed out because she thinks she is the only one who looks old.

Downaging in their 20s and 30s slows down the onset of aging and manages to look younger than their own age, while in their 40s, their eyelids slowly drop and wrinkles gradually, and their facial lines begin to collapse.
And as the fat on the face is drained, the bone on the face becomes stronger, and it's a factor to make you look old.

Downaging for those in their 40s or more should improve the problem of aging that has already begun to become visible, while also providing ways to slow down aging.
We need more meticulous professional diagnosis and treatment options. The aging of the skin is accelerating, so if you start to see problems, you need to improve them quickly.

The conditions of young looking face are small, smooth face, elastic skin and three-dimensional face.
So it's important that not only skin elasticity, but also facial features and bone shapes. It is effective to restore the shape of skeletons that are changing due to aging, and to identify the deflection and aging of the face and to perform appropriate lifting procedures at the same time. When people are in their 40s, they are more concerned about surgery than petit and non-surgical methods because it's faster and deeper in aging.

The first is a lifting procedure that improves deflection, which can be divided into large foreheads, eyes, and jaw lines.
Endotain lifting improves aging of the upper face by pulling the skin to improve forehead, sagging eyes, eyebrows, and even fine wrinkles.
The eyes, which are also the first areas where aging comes in because of their thin skin,they can be fixed with upper and lower blepharoplasty, eyebrow lifting and fat grafting. Depending on the location of the surgery, surgery should be considered for enhancement of the function of vision and aesthetic improvement.

And the deflection of the mid and lower area can be improved by face lifting. Depending on the degree of aging, the extent of incision can vary by pulling the V-line from the SMAS layer, fat, connective tissue and skin. In turn, without bone surgery. Besides skin care, it can also help improve double chin and neck wrinkles.

The second one is facial contouring.
If you trim the angular face, you can improve them to a smooth face.
In addition to lifting procedures and face contouring surgery, a stem cell procedure that helps regenerate skin cells, a fat transplant that fills the sunken area, a lifting laser that improves elasticity, an accu-lifting that removes unnecessary fat and saves the line,  Botox, and filler, can help improve treatment effectiveness and improve the faceline.

Downaging for middle-aged people should be a complex procedure, taking into account bones, skin and other cartilage. Therefore, if you remove or pull a lot of sagging skin, or cut a lot of bone and put too much fat or medicine in it, your face can become unnatural. Therefore, it is important to identify the current aging condition and problems and select the amount and type of surgery.


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