Good food for deep sleep!

Good food for deep sleep!

Getting a deep sleep has an important health effect.
It's also the time that each tissue and cell regenerates while sleeping, balancing the broken balance of our bodies.
It's a time to relax and regain mental and physical stability. 

In contrast, lack of sleep not only reduces your immune system, but also decreases your appetite-suppressing hormones, which can make you obese, and your brain activity is decreasing, and your balance is fragile. 
It is very important to get  seven to eight hours of sleep every day. 

But if you get insomnia, it will be hard to fall asleep which is too painful.
So today I'm going to tell you about some foods that can help you sleep well. 

1. Banana
The banana is rich in melatonin, which is said to help balance the sleep cycle with the biorhythm. 
It also contains magnesium and tryptophan. These ingredients are also good for insomnia. It's better to eat honey together because it helps your body relieves. 

2. Not only does lettuce help you sleep well with many vegetables, but it also has a real, detoxification effect, which helps you relax and relax your mind when you eat it real. 

3. Triptophan, an amino acid in milk, is said to be good for sleep because it has the properties that induce sleep and calcium promotes melatonin production. I recommend you to have it hot.

4. Magnesium and calcium are known to have muscle relaxation and nerve stabilization to help with insomnia. Nuts such as peanuts, almonds and walnuts are rich in magnesium, which helps sleep well. 

5. Cherry is also rich in melatonin, which is said to improve body melatonin levels and make it effective for sleep. 

I've introduced you to five foods that can help you sleep. But if you eat a lot right before you go to bed, your stomach will become active, which can interfere with your sleep. Please have these with dinner or two hours before bedtime.


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