It's not right to say that too much plastic surgery makes the face awkward.

  Dr. Lee Jin-soo, director of Faceline Plastic Surgery, said, "There are some clients who want a plastic surgery tells me that they want to be obviously pretty, but actually, an awkward face has nothing to do with being pretty. The essence of beauty lies in naturalness, and naturalness means something that is originally born with. Therefore, if you want to have your face both natural and beautiful, it is better to choose a place where you can achieve the necessary amount of surgery based on the shape of your face, bone, cartilage, and skin elasticity.

If you look around, you can find people who are interested in plastic surgery even if they had once or not yet. It is no exaggeration to say that plastic surgery has become popular.

So, unlike the past, celebrities on TV proudly reveal that they have had a cosmetic surgery before, but there are some people who are more likely to be noticed unless they don't even talk about it, and others don't be noticed at all. The reason for this difference may be the problem of post-operative recovery periods, but the bigger reason is that they have performed excessive operations that are not suitable for each individual.

The amount of surgery is linked to the naturalness. One of the things we think wrong about it is that we think the face is going to be awkward or obvious if we do a lot of surgery, and it's going to be natural if we do a little surgery. In other words, if the surgery goes well, the amount of natural change can vary as much as possible.

However, to put it correctly, 'natural' refers to a shape that is not made by surgery, but originally thought to be born with it, and doesn’t mean that the changed shape is awkward or does not left an operational trace.

The most important thing for the natural results of plastic surgery is to draw out the exact amount of surgery as each individual needed and carry out the surgery accurately.

The best case is the change comes with a natural result. But on the contrary, you should avoid awkwardness even though your face has changed only a little.

Dr. Lee Jin-soo, director of Faceline Plastic Surgery, said, "There are some clients who want a plastic surgery tells me that they want to be obviously pretty, but actually, an awkward face has nothing to do with being pretty. The essence of beauty lies in naturalness, and naturalness means something that is originally born with. Therefore, if you want to have your face both natural and beautiful, it is better to choose a place where you can achieve the necessary amount of surgery based on the shape of your face, bone, cartilage, and skin elasticity.


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