What causes jutting chin?

What causes jutting chin?

A lot of people are asking if the jutting chin is caused by genetics.
In fact, the genetic rate of it is less than five percent. 
The jutting chin is caused by excessive growth of the lower jaw in the second period of growth regardless of genetics.
The weight of the factors that contribute to the generous causes of everyday habits is increasing. 

6 bad habits that can change the shape of your face 

1. A tortoise position with its neck in front may cause a jutting chin
2. When seated, the waist is bent and the shoulders are tilted. 
3. The habit of sleeping on one's desk.
4. Sleeping position on the side when sleeping
5. The habit of tightening one's chin or chewing food on one side only.

Like this, face shapes are influenced by your usual lifestyle. 
If facial bone deformations occur, such as a jutting chin and facial dissection, if the proper treatment period is missed, it can develop into a secondary problem where adults are afraid of "personal relationships," such as loss of concentration, inaccurate pronunciation, and appearance complex. In addition to aesthetic problems, the jutting chin is accompanied by functional problems such as severe arrhythmia, pronunciation, and jaw joint disorders, so if you already have the jutting chin symptoms you can consider improving the position of the upper and lower jaw bone with a '2 jaw surgery'

The best thing to do is to make sure you don't develop a jutting chin in advance, but if you're already having trouble with it, you'd better treat it. However, 2 jaw surgery to improve the jutting chin is such a big operation, and because of the large amount of bone movement, you can select a medical team that has extensive experience in the operation, and you can achieve satisfactory improvement when you perform the operation based on the surgery plan that is right for you


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