Various methods of the genioplasty

Various methods of the genioplasty

When we talk about the contours of faces, masculine images are the first to conjure up protruding cheekbones with angular and wide jaw.
Sometimes, even though cheekbones are smooth and the jaws are not angular, they look rugged and distant from the sophisticated image.
That's because the tip of your chin is a problem. If you look at a smooth and refined image, the chin line should be smooth to the front jaw, but even if the chin line is narrow, it may include a blunt chin tip or a short chin.

In this case, genioplasty alone can change the shape of your face.

It is a surgery that cuts only the front tip of chin with trimming the shape and length. V-line can be easily made with it.
Also, the recovery period is short because the pain can be reduced by operating with minimal incision and the bleeding and swelling is minor. You can leave the hospital on the same day without being hospitalized after surgery.

T-osteotomy is a typical method of genioplasty. In a suitable way to reduce the dull chin is to remove the middle part of the chin and collect the chin ends on both sides. It can also be effective if the front jaw is long.

 If the chin is short, the jaw end  bone is slightly cut back and pulled forward, which also improves the neckline and improves the double chin because the length from the neck to the jaw tip is lengthened.

The jutting chin with only the tip of the chin can be easily corrected by reducing or moving only the jaw tip bone without a double jaw surgery.  The most accurate and ideal improvement can be achieved through precise diagnosis and consultation with a plastic surgeon.

 If the tip of chin is asymmetrical, then the jaw line can be smoother and more symmetrical either by cutting the center of the jaw end or by trimming both sides.

Genioplasty is less demanding than other facial surgery. However, since this is another surgery that deals with facial bones, for safe and natural results, it is desirable to have surgery with a plastic surgeon that is rich in experience and know-how in facial surgery at a hospital with a thorough safety system.


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