Good food to loose the swelling

After the plastic surgery, there is a degree of individual swelling differs by each other. So one of the things that I'm most interested in is decrease swelling  There are cold packs, hot packs, light walks, and higher-than-hearts pillows. In addition, pumpkin is known to be good for managing swelling. 
So today, I'm going to introduce you to some foods that can help you reduce your swelling.

1. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is one of the most representative foods to help with swelling. Mineraro is rich in vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates, promotes diuretic effects, and helps remove impurities in the body. It's also effective in preventing and relieving inflammation, so many people eat it after plastic surgery. In addition, it is also low in calories, so it is one of the vegetables that people on a diet often eat in the form of steamed or juice.

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers are 95 percent water-based vegetables. It is said to be high in potassium, which is effective in releasing waste and salt in the body, helping to remove swelling.

3. Seaweeds

Seaweeds are said to be effective in oxygenating and warming the body. People eat a lot of seaweed after giving birth. This is also because it not only relieves swelling quickly, but also helps the body recover quickly.

4. Banana


Bananas are also rich in potassium, which is excellent for releasing salts, helps release toxins into the body, and rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent constipation.

5. Red beans

Red beans are said to be rich in saponin, minerals, and iron to promote diuretic and metabolism, and to release sodium out of the body due to their high potassium, which helps reduce swelling.

So far, I've introduced foods that are effective in reducing swelling. Another caveat is that sodium is not helpful for swelling, so it is better to eat it blandly, and to minimize stress, it will help to reduce swelling faster. Also, you'll need to follow the precautions I've given you in the hospital.


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