Make-up after the double eyelids surgery

Make-up after the double eyelids surgery

“When can I do the make up after I got double eyelids surgery?”

Many of you are curious right?

Actually, this is one of the questions that people ask a lot before or after double eyelid surgery.

As non-incisional double eyelid surgery takes place in 30 minutes or so short period of time, and can be done in shorter time than skin care time, some people think double eyelid surgery itself is as light as a procedure.

But it's clearly a surgery, so it's important to be careful to get the results you want.
Even if you get skin scaling or have a semi-permanent treatment, you need to be more careful with the surgery!

Especially makeup! If you have stitches, it's better to remove the stitches.

Light makeup like BB cream can be done about 5 days after removing thread, but it is recommended to avoid eye shadow and irritating makeup for at least 2 to 3 weeks. Special attention should be paid to the coloring because it can sometimes be stained in the surgical area!

Also, it is better to use a brush or other tool rather than a hand when applying makeup after 2-3 weeks.

Tools should also be cleaned thoroughly. That's because it's less irritating.
Also, foam cleanser used to remove makeup is recommended because contact with the surgical site can cause inflammation. Wash your face gently around the eyes.

After a week of surgery, you can wash your face normally, but if you have stitches, avoid washing around your eyes and rinse your eyes lightly with saline solution until you remove the stitches.

When should I start putting on makeup after double eyelid surgery? Have you solved your curiosity?
I hope you keep your precautions and make it with prettier and more beautiful eyes!


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