If you're looking for a good place to do a double jaw surgery!

Hello, this is Faceline Plastic Surgery clinic. 

There are many people who come to the clinic for the two jaw surgery.
Since the two jaw surgery is such a big surgery, people ask more detailed questions than other surgeries.

Among them, I would like to explain how to choose a good place for two jaw surgery and what to consider in order to do it correctly.

First of all, it's one of the misunderstandings about two jaw surgery, and people often ask, "Can I be pretty if I do it?"
If you're interested in two jaw surgery, I'm sure most of you know that two jaw surgery is no longer a cosmetic surgery.

Two jaw surgery is an operation that changes the jaw with the teeth to a normal position when there is a problem with the function of the jaw due to a malocclusion. 

However, there are still some cases where you know it as a cosmetic surgery, and I know it's not, but the surgery and the change is so big that many people expect aesthetic effects.

Typical indications of two jaw surgery include a jutting chin, facial asymmetry, protruding mouth, and a pompous face shape, most of which are accompanied by a combination of negatives.

Improper coagulation causes functional problems such as masticatory function, breathing, and pronunciation disorders, and furthermore, it is necessary to improve them with proper treatment because they can cause poor quality of life.

But because of the large amount of change, and the handling of the nerves and the large amount of blood vessels, you need to make a more meticulous and careful choice than any other plastic surgery.

So, what are the things to consider when looking for a good place for two jaw surgery?

Because the jaw contains teeth, the most important feature in changing the position of the upper and lower jaws is to match the teeth of the upper and lower jaws.

So you need a surgeon who performs two jaw surgery and a orthodontist who sees a chastity of teeth, and two doctors.


In two jaw surgery, the part of the function is not directly involved by the surgeon, but is dominated by the orthodontist.

In order to get two jaw surgery without functional problems, orthodontics and close cooperation between surgeons and dentists are the most important.

The longer the co-operation period of the same medical staff, the better the results, because of the better coordination of opinions in planning, surgery, and post-operative care.
So if you're looking for a good place to do a double jaw surgery, it's a good idea to check how long the connection is between surgery and orthodontics.

Second, two jaw surgery is primarily a priority, but the face changes during the jaw movement, so it is important to consider the aesthetic improvement direction as well as the simple functional improvement at the surgical planning stage.

To add a cosmetic effect to the improvement of the function, the surgeon's aesthetic sense and ability to perform the double jaw surgery should be good.

The correlation between the upper and lower jaws is mainly determined by the orthodontist, but the absolute position is determined by the surgeon.
Depending on the location, aesthetic effects may vary.
Cosmetic surgery mainly deals with the overall beauty of the face, so it has an advantage in determining the position of the jaw for the most beautiful face shape.

Nowadays, you can often see events where you can do two jaw surgery at a very low cost.
Is it really a good idea to choose a big surgery that requires careful consideration?
It is a very dangerous idea to compare plastic surgery to the lowest price as if you were shopping for something.

The luxury goods that we all want to have are worth it, and we pay for them, and I think the satisfaction we get will be different. 

As I have to take this face for the rest of my life, I would like to tell you that I can diagnose the right amount of surgery and the right method of surgery rather than the cost, and that choosing a medical team and a hospital with a lot of experience and know-how to do the surgery is a way to achieve safe and satisfactory results.


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