Check the precautions after the fat grafting!

As it was done to be beautiful, it is important to take good care of you after the surgery.

If you don't have any fat on your face, you're likely to look older. That's why a lot of people are considering a fat grafting. Fat grafting is a procedure that has the advantage of having less foreign effect because it uses own fat cells, and that it can enhance the three-dimensional and volume of the face without the pressure of getting surgeries, which has led to a growing interest.

Although fat grafting is a simple procedure, post-care is required to improve the completeness of any procedure or operation.


So I'm going to tell you some precautions after the fat grafting!



It is recommended that fat grafted area remain untouched. Do not apply a pack, leave it at normal body temperature, and do not use cold water or ice packs. Keep the temperature inside the house not too cold or too hot.


Precautions number 2, after the fat grafting is to ensure that the treatment area is not pressed. You can wear hats and glasses after 3 months, and I don't sleep on your stomach or rub your face. Please do not laugh at loud or do not get angry because you may move your face a lot, so it's better not to do it. It is also helpful to eat food that can be chewed gently for about a week so that your mouth doesn't move much.

After about three months of surgery, the transplanted tissues are subjected to 80 to 90 percent of normal tissue strength, so you should avoid putting too much pressure on your face and eat tough food.

It's good to avoid excessive pressure on your face for two to three months such as massage,

You know smoking and drinking should be banned after every operation.

It is recommended that you ban it for about four weeks because it delays recovery by constricting blood vessels. It's good to start at places where it's too hot, such as sauna, etc., after about a month.


Please follow the precautions after the fat grafting and make a pretty face with volume.


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