Functional and aesthetic improvements at the same time, deviated nose surgery

Hello, this is Faceline Plastic Surgery clinic.
Few people have perfectly symmetrical left and right faces. But not all of us need facial contouring surgery! This is because the degree of asymmetry is so insignificant that it cannot be recognized by the naked eye, and this degree of asymmetry does not interfere with life at all, so it is not necessarily considered a treatment target.

On the other hand, there are people who can see something crooked. If facial asymmetry is recognized with the naked eye, there is a high possibility that there is a problem with the jaw function because of the crooked nose bone, or the crooked jaw, causing problems with the coagulation. When you have these symptoms, you see them as a treatment target for facial asymmetry.

Today, I'm going to talk about the correction method of the deviated nose among the asymmetric symptoms.

In addition to the aesthetic problems that appear on the surface, deviated nose may be accompanied by discomfort caused by various diseases that result from abnormal internal structure of the nose.

Deviated nose is diagnosed when the line from the top of the nose to the tip of the nose is bent in S or C, or when the line is straight but the direction is not vertical.
If the nose is bent, there may be no major inconvenience in daily life, but if the air circulation inside the nose is poor, it can cause diseases such as nasal congestion, rhinitis, and sinusitis.

Deviated nose orthodontic surgery is a method of correcting the shape of the nasal bone or cartilage bent by trauma.

If the degree of deviation is weak, the external shape may be corrected; if the degree of deviation is severe, the overall shape of the nose may be corrected and surgery may be performed to improve the function of the nose.

A weak deviated nose can be expected to have some effect by cutting the deviated part, moving the bone to the right position and securing it, or inserting prostheses/ cartilage etc.

If the nose is severely bent, the overall shape of the nose can be rectified by an incision to straighten out the nasal bones or surgery to correct the cartilage.

The third is deviated nasal septum, one of the symptoms that is likely to appear in the deviated nose.

The non-critical cartilage sharing the nostrils is bent, and the difficulty of surgery is also higher than the previous two cases.
After separating the curved nasal bones from left and right, straighten the nasal bone with a straight-up cut-off of the nasal bone and straighten the nasal cavity with a non-gap resection to cut off some of the enlarged nasal passages and apply the curved non-intermediate cartilage.

Although it is easy to think of nose shapes, including deviated nose, because many people do it, it is necessary to carefully and meticulously examine the nose because it is responsible for important functions such as breathing.

In particular, since deviated nose needs to improve the diseases related to the nose, choosing a doctor and hospital with abundant experience and know-how in the surgery is a safe way to catch both functions and aesthetic effects at the same time.

Faceline Plastic Surgery clinic implements 1:1 personalized nose surgery based on precise diagnosis by a plastic surgeon with abundant experience and know-how. It solves aesthetic and functional problems at the same time and completes a natural and refined nose line.


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