How can I eat my food after two jaw surgery?

                        How can I eat my food after two jaw surgery? 

One of the most difficult parts of the surgery and one of the questions is how do you eat after the surgery?

The reason is that both sides of the teeth are fixed with elastic bands after a double jaw surgery. If you think about it, it's easy to think that it's the same principle as if we're fixing the bone with a cast when the arm or leg is broken.

Since it's fixed, eating food is more restricted than normal, so you have to be very careful about food intake.

Today, I will tell you how to eat after the surgery. It's a very important time to make sure that the moving jawbone is well bonded during this period, right after the two jaw surgery. Therefore, you should only eat food that you can digest even if you drink it.

For example, milk, soy milk, soup, and yogurt. Do not use a straw to eat, but use a spoon or other to spill it into your mouth and drink it on the back of your molar.

From second week to a month

After 2 weeks of surgery, the elastic band will be removed. After that, you can eat porridge (taste) without any solid ingredients.

After a month

From this point on, you can eat porridge with solid ingredients. For regular meals, avoid hard or tough food, and focus on soft meals.

After 2 months

Many patients are wondering when they can start eating regular meals.You can have a normal meal after about 2 months. You may think it's too long for two months, but since it's a big surgery, I hope you keep your food intake safe after the surgery, and get good results both functionally and aesthetically.

And the most important thing!! Make sure to rinse your mouth right after eating, whether it's soy milk or rice. Rinse your mouth with disinfectant from the hospital and rinse it again with saline solution.

After using the disinfectant, you can only rinse it with saline solution. (You should not use regular gargles sold on the market.) You can brush your teeth after removing all the stitches in your mouth.

Please be careful as this is to heal the incision in your mouth. 


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