The role and recovery of two jaw surgery and elastic fixation


With two jaw surgery, upper and lower jaw are fixed in two places with elastic bands for a certain period of time. If you think about it, it's easy to think that the role of fixing the jaw is like a cast, which allows the bones of the upper and lower jaw to be cut and moved so that they can be fused into place.

Double jaw surgery can only limit the movement of the chin while it sticks well because the position of the upper and lower jaws has changed.

Faceline Plastic Surgery basically holds the upper and lower jaw for about two weeks, and uses an elastic band to fix it so that the jaw moves less. 

After 2 weeks, remove the elastic band after the doctor's treatment, and then slowly start practicing opening your mouth.

One of the reasons why it's hard to do the fixation is that there are restrictions on talking or eating, brushing teeth, etc. So, right after surgery, we should drink non-stimulating drinks such as milk or soy milk.

After that, from the 2nd to 4th week after removing the band that was fixing upper and lower jaw, you should eat porridge with little solid ingredients, and after a month, you can change your meal to soft rice.

Since there are no major restrictions on speaking from the second week of removing the band, if you're curious about the recovery period of two jaw surgery, you can think of it as about two weeks.

It would be better if you could get enough rest for more than two weeks, but in about two weeks, you'll be able to get through your daily life without much inconvenience.
Since it's a surgery to move the upper and lower jaws, and it's so difficult, you might think that you need to rest for months on the recovery period of the two jaw surgery. Not really, it can be treated even if it's shorter than that.

After two jaw surgery, perform post-operative correction according to the changed position of the jaw.

In fact, you need to connect plastic surgery to orthodontics when planning a two jaw surgery. Derives surgery plans by developing a more favorable direction of movement for tooth bonding and a more favorable direction for aesthetic changes in the face. 

Since 2005, Lee Jinsoo, doctor of plastic surgery, and Lee Shin-jung, doctor of the dentistry, have been linked to the treatment for 16 years. It's a place where patients who are considering two jaw surgery can get one-stop treatment in one place without having to go to plastic surgery and dentistry alternately.

In addition, based on tens of thousands of data based on 16 years of medical-related know-how, we have developed a 1:1 customized surgery plan that is perfect for each patient, producing more ideal and good results.

Two jaw surgery is a very difficult operation, and it should be based on accurate surgery plans.

Rather than simply looking at the cost or the size of the hospital, you can carefully examine the surgeon's experience and know-how to achieve functional and aesthetic satisfaction.
The role and recovery of two jaw surgery and elastic fixation

Hello, this is Faceline Plastic Surgery clinic.

Today, I'm going to tell you about the recovery period of two jaw surgery, and why we need an elastic fixation and the role of it. 


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