The correction of Gynecomastia

Body shaping in their 20s and 30s is back in the spotlight while the Corona situation has slowed down a bit. When you go to the gym, young people sweat and run on treadmills or lift tools to train their muscles. One of the most embarrassing things for men at this time is the female breast. Like a woman, if your chest is protruding or drooping, you are reluctant to expose yourself and hide your figure.

Causes of female breast are imbalance between male and female hormones, rapid progress or chronic obesity. Even if you lose weight, most of the time, the bruises on your chest won't go away. If you touch your chest gently, and you feel a hard lump, the whole chest is out, and even the pain is present, it's a treatment indication of a female breast.

The treatment of female breasts is the solution, and there is no recurrence of proper surgery. Faceline Plastic Surgery uses a combination of liposuction and breast removal through incision around the wheel. Liposuction using Acu laser reduces bleeding and minimizes postoperative pain. It is important to preserve the blood flow to the nipple well to remove the bruised tissue that is touched by the incision around the wheel. Even with the incision, if you did a proper plastic surgery suture, there is no scar left.

After surgery, recovery is invisible for about a week, so you can return to work or school in a day or two. If you remove the stitches for a week, you can go back to your daily life. It takes about a month for the desired result to come out because the swelling is gone. If you keep your weight within a certain range after surgery, it won't recur.

Of course, if you're not an experienced specialist, you may have bleeding, infection, asymmetry, or relapse, so it's important to find an experienced and skilled specialist. Faceline Plastic Surgery offers secure, pain-free results with accumulated experience and up-to-date technology.

National health insurance benefits are also available if breast surgery or biopsy confirms the growth of the mammary gland tissue over a certain amount. This is not approved by an individual hospital, but only if it is reviewed and passed by the National Health Insurance Corporation. If you have a separate insurance policy, you can check it out because there are cases where you can benefit from the insurance company. Also, this is not done by individual hospitals, but you should contact your insurance company.


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