Class is permanent

“Form is temporary, Class is permanent.” 

These are the iconic words of legendary Liverpool FC manager Bill Shankly, in the UK premier league, after winning against Everton. This, coming from a soccer coach, can be interpreted from a soccer angle as such. “A team or player can perform better or worse temporarily depending on the maneuvers, strategy, condition, among other factors but ultimately, the player or team’s full potential class is important and this class prevails in the end.  

The importance of overall class is quite often heard in a sporting context. All the same, this can also be carried over to areas beyond sports.

Form can be interpreted as style. Style exists in aesthetic elements. Moreover, this style changes from time to time. It’s what’s trending. This is most evident in fashion.  

Style also exists in plastic surgery. There are trending elements depending on the generation. Being in line with the trend gives you trendy results, making you appear more fashionable and chic. However, although one can change their fashion or hairstyle to match that of changing trends, it is a complicated matter to conform to changing trends in plastic surgery.  

As such, it is not advisable to insist on trending styles when it comes to plastic surgery. For plastic surgery, more focus should be placed on overall class. High overall class will be perceived great regardless of style. 

To elevate the class of beauty, it must steer towards the basic principles of beauty, being harmony and balance. A shape that is harmonious and balanced is the class of beauty that transcends time. The more balanced and harmonious, the more beautiful one is perceived regardless of the generation or preference. Beauties from several hundred years ago still appear beautiful because they have beauty in a class of their own. Conversely, you can conform to an awkward style that emphasizes a specific shape but it would be difficult to elevate class itself and how this is viewed may differ depending on the generation or preference.

I always consider class when performing plastic surgery. I place greatest priority on elevating absolute class. I always do my utmost to acquire a high level of class that transcends time and preference. You can’t overlook form but obsessing over form is liable to wreck a balanced and harmonious shape.  

“Form is temporary, Class is permanent.”  

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