Plastic Surgery Essay 36 - My Ideal Face: The Face Altered by Selfie Editing Apps

 With the rise of online activities and increased engagement in virtual spaces, people nowadays exhibit a heightened interest in images appearing on online videos and mobile social media. As individuals frequently share their own faces in these digital spaces, the pursuit of achieving a beautifully enhanced face through online filters and editing apps has become a common practice.

In the process of posting one's face online, many resort to the power of facial editing apps. Through repetitive use of such apps, the edited selfies gradually become closer to the individual's ideal standard of beauty.

[Image Source: Google]

Even during consultations with plastic surgeons, the trend has shifted from presenting photos of popular celebrities to sharing edited selfies as the desired outcome. The new beauty standard is now defined by the virtual self created through filters.

From the perspective of a plastic surgery specialist, aiming for surgery based on one's own edited selfie seems more realistic than bringing in pictures of celebrities with entirely different facial features. However, it is essential to recognize the clear limitations of what can be achieved through surgery. Unrealistic expectations, even for features edited in selfies, may surpass the achievable possibilities of surgical procedures.

The term 'Snapchat Dysmorphia' was coined in 2018 by Dr. Tijon Esho, a British plastic surgeon, to describe the increasing phenomenon of individuals seeking plastic surgery to attain facial features edited by filters. The word 'Dysmorphia' is derived from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a condition where individuals perceive significant flaws in their appearance despite them being minor or non-existent.

For mentally unstable individuals, the gap between the expectations derived from edited images and the reality may lead to the development of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).

In the modern era, very few people live completely untouched by makeup or hairstyling. Cultivating and beautifying one's appearance, both in the real world and online, has become a natural instinct. With the increasing prevalence of online activities, the transformation of digital images has become somewhat inevitable.

Nevertheless, we cannot exist solely in the online realm forever. The distorted digital images that spread across the online world will eventually need to be reconciled by the individuals themselves. While it's enjoyable to present an attractive online image, it's crucial for the level of transformation to be within a range that the individual can realistically handle.

#PlasticSurgeryEssay #DrJinSooLee #IdealFace #FaceContouring #SnapchatDysmorphia #SelfieEditingApps #FacialCorrectionApp


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